Tuesday, October 12, 2010

We have started a Blog!

We decided to create this blog to keep family and friends up to date with Keeley.  Being the little superstar that she is, we thought we would try and keep her peeps up to speed about what she is up to......!

I don't really know where to start.  This has been a massive year for Keeley and for our family.  A few major things that have happened have been our move to The Sunshine Coast.  It was one of the best things we have ever done, we are only about an hours drive from Keeley's treating hospital now and the services that this region have to offer seem a lot better.  We are back living together as a family - Daniel, Mandy, Keeley and Hazley, which is wonderful for all of us.  Keeley had to have her tonsils and adenoids removed and bilateral grommets inserted.  She recovered well from this and is sleeping and breathing much better. After 6 long years suffering terribly from bowel problems, Keeley had an ileostomy formed a few months ago.  As daunting as it all was at the time, it has made life a lot more comfortable and easy for her.  We are all pretty used to it now, and haven't had too many dramas.

I guess they are the main occurrences for us. Keeley is doing great at the moment, clever, funny, sassy and feisty as always. Hazley is great also, he is such a character and is wise well beyond his years.  He keeps us all entertained and in fits of laughter.  School holidays were a bit of a bore, with some horrible weather.  It rained the entire two weeks and is still raining now.  We visited my sister Loren and her partner Nick up at Boyne Island.  That was a major highlight for us.  We all miss them so much, and it was great to get to spend some time with them.  Hazley and Keeley absolutely adore them, and were really quite sad to leave!!  We are hoping to get to see more of them, when they move down here............HINT HINT!

Okay, so I am rushed for time today, and just wanted to get this whole thing up and running, so check in from time to time and I will try and keep it updated as best as possible!  xx